Netpro world
Internet payment/domain names


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A lot of webmasters and other net users are finding it very difficult to make internet payments and buy things of value on the net.
With NETPRO WORLD POWER CARD all your payment problems are over.
With a flat rate of 145 naira to a dollar, we will help you make all your payments online.
Its the cheapest you will get anywhere.
You can also order for your personal debit card in your own name starting from # 4, 000 only.
Register your domain name today for just #2, 700 only.
Your domain name comes with the following FREE!
-Change of registration.
-Packed page.
-Domain locking.
-Status alerts.
-New forwarding/masking.
-New for sale page.
-New total DNS control.
-100 email forwards.

37 toun street ,liberty road oke-ado ibadan.02-2318305 08033957238;08023316200